Growth Recovery for Plants that won't budge

Growth Recovery for Plants That Won’t Budge

It’s amazing to witness a houseplant’s true growth potential. Like remembering when your plant outgrew its grower pot to be housed in a much roomer environment. There are houseplants that can start off at 2 feet and within a few years tower over you. Pothos, for example, grow wide and long and will eventually create

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Plant Clones AKA Propagating Houseplants

One of my favorite things to do with plants is propagating them. As a plant parent there is something very satisfying in seeing the roots start to grow from a cutting placed in water. Its a reminder of the life of the plant and the continuous cycle that it offers. One plant can produce many

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A Green Oasis: How to create an indoor Jungle

Does the sound of coming home to a lush green landscape fill your heart with joy? Then one of your goals in life should be to create an indoor jungle right in your home. Not all plant parents are the same. Some are drawn to wall to wall plants while others may prefer a more

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Rainwater for Healthier Houseplants

Rainwater is one of the best things for nature and that includes your houseplants. You will see a noticeable change in houseplants that have been exposed to it compared to those that are consistently watered with tap. Benefits of Rainwater Spring rainwater can offer many benefits to your plants. It’s much better than tap water

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Moving Day |  Adapting Indoor Plants to Outdoors

As we get closer to the Spring Equinox you may be wondering if some of your indoor plants can venture outdoors. Just like us humans most plants love the springtime showers and sun. The majority of houseplants will benefit greatly from the outdoor air exposure and sunlight, but starting the process too soon or quickly

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Roses Decoded | More than just a plant.

When we think of Valentine’s day we often envision chocolate boxes, sweetheart candies, chocolate covered strawberries, and roses. Red roses are a Valentine’s day hallmark. Many couldn’t imagine not gifting these lovely flowers to those they hold dearest to them. Roses are the official Valentine’s day flower for good reason.  For thousands of years red

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Productivity and Plants

If you’re looking for a low-cost solution to bring productivity to the workspace look no further than plants. Whether for an office or a work from home space, plants add organic décor and wellbeing to work environments. According to some studies, plants may also contribute to a higher satisfaction with the workspace and create a

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Wanderlust Plants

Not all who wander are lost. The same can be said for wanderlust plants. These plants prefer to explore instead of being contained to one spot. There is something beautiful in seeing plants draped like curtains down walls and weaving through shelves. Trailing vines are whimsical in the way that they curl and twist their

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Winterproofing | Preparing Your Plants for Winter

One of the many benefits of living in central Texas is the weather. With the exception of some extreme Summers, we have pretty good weather conditions for perennial and annual garden potted plants. We also have good conditions for potted tropical plants to live and thrive outdoors on decks and patios. But, as history has

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Monsteras | The easy to care for plant of your dreams

With the boost in popularity of houseplants, everyone is on the hunt for the best plant to add to their home. Well, look no further than Monsteras, aka the Monstera Deliciosa.  Monsteras have become a staple in homes and on everything including home décor, clothes, and art. What makes Monsteras so popular is their ability

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