A Collection of Plant Eros Poems

February is here. A marker of many celebrations: Black History Month, Valentines Day, Groundhog Day and Presidents Day. February is also when we start to see the beginning markers of Spring. This makes it a notable time of expression after the harshness of winter. And what better way to celebrate the season than with poems

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Moonlight Effects on Plants

The winter season can become one of the most challenging seasons for plants, outside of brutal hot summers. During this season, plants go without the same amount of light that they receive in the warmer months. And daylight savings does not occur until March 9th of this year, which may result in your plants having

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Happy Poinsettia Day: Christmas’s most favorite plant

Tis the season for Poinsettias. The Poinsettia is definitely a staple this time of year. It is the most seasonally decorative plant of choice for businesses and homes. It has become a flag in its own right, announcing the beginning of the Christmas season. Today is National Poinsettia Day. This festive day happens every year

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How Does the Cold Affect Your Houseplant?

Winter is a time for hibernation and dormancy for many outdoors plants. Similarly, indoor tropical plants also slow down their growth around this time of year. Winter calls for nature to preserve its energy due to the lack of sunlight (a plant’s main food source) which all plants depend on. This is very important because

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Leaf and Terror: Volume 1

Happy Halloween! I’m excited to share some strange and interesting plant facts with you during one of my favorite times of year. Plants have always had a rich history in myths & legends and have captivated the imagination of humans across cultures since the beginning of time. They have even been incorporated into rituals as

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Day or Night? Watering on a Schedule

It may not occur to some that the time of day would play a significant role on deciding when to water your houseplant but surprisingly it does. It can even make a difference in keeping your plants alive. In nature there isn’t a specific time in which it rains on outdoor plants. Rain showers are

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Plant Nursery Trip

All photos in this post are from The Natural Gardener on Old Bee Caves One of my favorite things to do is go to the plant nursery. There are some plant nurseries that are so wonderful I can just get lost in them. Depending on where you live perhaps there is a plant nursery in

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Growth Recovery for Plants that won't budge

Growth Recovery for Plants That Won’t Budge

It’s amazing to witness a houseplant’s true growth potential. Like remembering when your plant outgrew its grower pot to be housed in a much roomer environment. There are houseplants that can start off at 2 feet and within a few years tower over you. Pothos, for example, grow wide and long and will eventually create

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Plant Clones AKA Propagating Houseplants

One of my favorite things to do with plants is propagating them. As a plant parent there is something very satisfying in seeing the roots start to grow from a cutting placed in water. Its a reminder of the life of the plant and the continuous cycle that it offers. One plant can produce many

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A Green Oasis: How to create an indoor Jungle

Does the sound of coming home to a lush green landscape fill your heart with joy? Then one of your goals in life should be to create an indoor jungle right in your home. Not all plant parents are the same. Some are drawn to wall to wall plants while others may prefer a more

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